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Saint Devotas Day 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Saint Devota's Day is a public holiday in the Principality of Monaco.

The feast is dedicated to the patron saint of Monaco and the House of Grimaldi.

It is celebrated annually on January 27.

Saint Devota (Sainte Dévote) was born circa 283 on the island of Corsica.

She devoted her life to the service of God.

Devota was imprisoned and tortured to death during the persecutions of Diocletian and Maximian.

After her death, her body was brought to Monaco where it was discovered by fishermen.

In honor of the saint, the Sainte-Dévote Chapel was built.

The first mention of the chapel dates back to 1070.

The custom of celebrating Saint Devota's Day was introduced by Prince Louse II of Monaco in 1924.

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