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All Saints Day Sweden 2016

Saturday, November 5, 2016

All Saints' Day (Feast of All Saints) in Europe is celebrated on November 1, however Sweden and Finland have chosen another date to celebrate the holiday.

All Saints' Day in Sweden and Finland is celebrated on Saturday between October 31 and November 6.

All Saints' Day in these countries is celebrated like in other European countries.

People go to special servings, as well in other Catholic countries.

Priests chose white vestments to serve the Mass.

The Feast is as Holy Day of Obligation, it means, that Catholics are required to attend the Mass.

The Feast of All Saints is observed by Western Christians to honor all saints, known and unknown.

The Swedes and Finns have a tradition to light the candles and visit the graves of deceased relatives.

The lit candles are placed on graves on All Saints' Eve.

This tradition is common to other European countries as well.

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